Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Prayer Retreat This Saturday!!

This month's discipleship time is a PRAYER RETREAT!

A time to pray together, alone, in silence, on a trial/hike, and in comfortable home setting with beautiful outside options.

Saturday July 7th, 9:30am to 1pm.

The prayer retreat will happen in a secret, peaceful location. Meet at PCC's parking lot where the Emma Rhen playground. Plan on coming and staying for the whole time. Plan on car-pooling (for only 15 minutes to our location) or following the group. (If you can't make it for the whole time, then maybe next time you can participate).

Bring your Bible/Journal, comfortable clothes, hiking shoes and/or a blanket if you want, and plenty of water and/or juice. You can spend the whole time indoors if you want so don't feel obligated to be outside-it's just an option.

See you Saturday morning. We will finish by 1pm. You may consider fasting for the morning and breaking it by going out to lunch afterward. (No food will be provided during the retreat).

Invite other people. Questions? email tonyg@peninsulacovenant.com


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