Sunday, August 06, 2006

No Ordinary Sunday

Our whole church took the morning "off" to serve our community. There were no morning "services" because we decided that we would all go out and serve others. So we decided to invite our nieghbor kids over for lunch, games, and crafts. Our good friends Isaiah & Kat Whelpley helped us out and we had a good old fashioned mini-camp in our backyard!! Kat and Isaiah brought over frames which they got to decorate, and after taking their pictures will give them a copy to put inside. Wendy prepared mini-pizzas and they got to put on their own toppings. We prayed together, colored stories from the Bible coloring book, and played games in our front yard. Our little guests were Oswaldo, Jonathon, Cedric, Karen, and Jennifer.

Click here to watch 'Kids-August-6-2006'

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