Thursday, June 12, 2008

From the park to the ER

Our young adult small groups kicked off last night at Red Morton Park. The weather was perfect for people to mingle around, mangia (eat), and throw the football around. The plan was to gather everyone together and cast a vision for why are small groups are meeting at a park in the community. We have hopes of meeting new people playing soccer, relaxing on blankets, or cheering a softball game and inviting them to join us for dinner and have conversations that show we care about RWC!

We had a great turn out, but I had to leave early!

I got a call that Isella had a 104.3 Temp.
ER here we come.
One hospital wristlet--that she didn't quite understand.
and two hours of waiting for a simple dose of motrin.

No ear infections, everything looks fine. Could just be a virus they say.
Thankfully her temp went down to 101 while we were in the ER and we are now home.
She was so sleepy.

We go back to check up tomorrow.

Interesting note: It was the same doctor who sent Wendy home from the ER when her appendix burst just later that night. HMMMM.....We pray.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Dude. We went through EXACTLY the same thing last week, except the ER trip. We just gave London some Motrin at home and the fever went down. He was fine after a few days. See you next month. You are the man.