So, let's see. If this were the first day of school and I was assigned an essay on how I spent my summer Staycation it would be:
Sleeping, sleeping, and more sleeping. Mind you that "sleeping in" with a toddler consists of 7:30 am, and when my wife takes the early shift, I got to 8:30am. (Quite a difference from the "good ol' days of waking at 10am!).
Spent lots of time reading and watching movies--another post on that soon.
Good times of journaling and enjoying my new spot-a bistro table which I bought to journal and read in the forest-----our backyard.
Lots of organizing and more unpacking-Finally have some, I repeat, SOME organization in the garage from our mid-summer move which we still have about 10% left to finish.
and lots of trips around our great Bay Area with my awesome, little family!
Pretty much no time on facebook, no email, and only two times blogging-and I rarely answered (or returned) phone calls promptly. It was a much needed break!
Here are various pictures from my STAYCATION!
Needless to say, I soaked in so much time with my daughter. She is a blast. Her little personality is so fun and she has tons, tons, tons of energy that make me feel old, old, old!
Isella got a chalkboard and has started following in her mom's footsteps already. She's got the making of a teacher. It's so cute how she draws and gets proud of herself for reaching high. She always wants us to draw balloons.
In her animal sound variety show, she's now picked up the HOWL of a wolf. ARROOO--OOOH-OOH-OOOH
My wife Wendy made some great hamburgers and I got to grill them out! Sooo Good. And yes, I do wear that chef's hat. learned a lot from my 8 years of restaurant experience: It's all about keeping the hair out of the food- and a chef's hat looks better than a hairnet.
Time well spent.