Wednesday, January 21, 2009

God working in a magician

This video Vlog from renowned magician and atheist Penn is very interesting and reminds me that others will see our love...even if they don't agree or believe in God and his love. 1 Peter reminds us that in our love we should be kind and respectful so that even if people disagree or disrespect us they'll end up realizing the truth.
Sincerity, looking people in the eye, and genuinely caring...hmmm..that actually touches people, even atheists.


mamajoyCarol said...

I'm sitting here almost in tears. How many Christians seeing this will commit to praying for him, and for God to bring alongside him another one who can further the truth in this man's life.

love the Vlog!


Bristol said...

that was so powerful. really really deep. I pray more of us continue to be bold in our faith and love everyone, even athiests. Praying for Penn! :)