Saturday, March 07, 2009

Green Book Reflection Pg. 139

Fully immersed in this world, Christians belong to no world. Instead, while teased by each hope and every vision, they know them to be only hints of the new heaven and the new earth rooted in divine promises. And our yearning to become lost in God only intensifies our tears over the thought of leaving this life. Christian existence is a joyful nonsense. In a culture of seal-realization, the Christian's call is to renounce self; in the face of noise, silence is the preference, in a world of competition, the Christian's declaration is that the winners will be losers and the losers winners; in a culture is whose economy is intent on consumption, the Christian insists on simplicity; in culture structured by possessions, the Christian insists upon a high standard of life; and at every point, the Christian exposes the emptiness of fullness for the sake of the gospel's fullness of emptiness.
-Paul. W. Jones (The Art of Spiritual Direction as quoted in A GUIDE TO PRAYER FOR ALL THOSE WHO SEEK GOD).

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