Friday, January 30, 2009

2009 Winter Retreat Video

I finally finished editing the video from our retreat three weeks ago. As always, I continue to love our community and I am especially encouraged after spending hours editing. I always have sweet moments of prayer and reflection looking over clips (over and over again. And this time I did a lot of laughing). I remember what God did on the retreat for us as a whole but as I see the faces of the people in the video, and I also remember God's work in each of them individually. I seriously love thinking about how God has written each story and transformed each person, transforming us all. I completely enjoy my calling to pastor in our church family and to invest in the lives and futures of each of PCC's young adults. Not only is it fun, but it's deeply fulfilling and worshipful to be a part of this community, this awesome family of God!


Jenni said...

Awesome...but that starbucks hallelujah thing was rediculous!

THE GTEAM said...

So sad Isella and I missed it...looked like so much fun!

Bristol said...

such a great video! I love it when everyone is singing Hosanna.

God is totally working and moving in our community! I can't wait to see what more there is to come!

SuperShan said...

that was one awesome retreat! loved the vid Tone

Autumn said...

Rockin' awesome! Katie, Jenni, and I are all sitting watching and reminiscing. . .So glad to see God moving in our community.

Autumn's favorite part: Jenni, when she turns on the mixer and it splatters everywhere and she looks shocked!! Oh, and when you almost hurl looking at the poo. . .good stuff!

Katie's favorite part: God loves you in the honey butter! What a great ending!

Jenni's favorite part: Katie's dance at the end, especially since it's in slow mo.

Basically, "we love the vid Tone"! haha!!!